Cover 100% of your ML-based vulnerabilities, easily


Trusted by Industry Leaders Worldwide 


Adversarial Defense

Defend your models and datasets against ML-based ​adversarial attacks that could jeopardize their integrity and performance.


​​​ All Model Types 

​ Easy Integration

  Fully Automated ​​

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Gradient Scans 

Attribute Inferences

Detect critical risks in your AI system, before production

Patch Attacks

Evasion Attacks

GAN Attacks


Model Extraction

Model Inversion

NN Attacker

Prompt Injections


Membership Inferences

Prompt Inversion

& more

Protect your Datasets and Models against 100% of ML-based Adversarial Threats

End-to-End Security Compliance

Meet AI Security and Safety Standards from a single Platform, including NIST, MITRE's ATLAS, and OWASP LLM Top 10.

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Protect against 

Evolving Threats

Identify novel, Zero-day AI vulnerabilities and 
Shield Automatically from ML-based attacks. 


Developer-first, Enterprise ready 

​Built for developers, we are also Enterprise-friendly with security features such as data encryption at REST, TLS for communication, user authentication, and role-based access control (RBAC).

Beyond leading security frameworks 

Our tests for ML-based attacks are mapped to industry and regulatory standards such as OWASP Top 10 for LLM Applications, NIST's Adversarial ML Taxonomy, MITRE's ATLAS and the EU AI Act, amongst others.

For any Model and any Threat

Whether you're using an LLM, a Regression model, a Clusterization or Classification-based one, Defaince's Adversarial Defense Platform will help you secure 100% of model-based vulnerabilities.

Who is it for?

Start-ups. Scale-ups. Enterprises.


Make the complex, simple

Discover our audits

AI Model Security

and Privacy

Ensure your model's privacy using machine unlearningzero knowledge machine learning (ZK-ML), fully homomorphic encryption (FHEML), differential privacy (DP) and ensembles methods to ensure the utmost protection of your sensitive data and models.

AI Model Robustness

Our cutting-edge AI security solutions protect models from threats like adversarial attacks, model poisoning, evasion, and extraction. We use techniques like adversarial training, input sanitization, anomaly detection, distillation, ensembles and model verification to fortify models against risks and ensure performance and accuracy.

AI Model Scaling

Our AI model scaling solutions aim to maximize the potential of your models by boosting their capabilities and optimizing their performance. Through techniques like distillation, we can reduce the number of parameters required for a given task, leading to faster inference speeds and increased model robustness and reliability.

AI Governance

and Compliance

By implementing robust governance and compliance measures, organizations ensure that AI systems are developed and used responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, thereby minimizing risks and maximizing the benefits of AI technologies.

Secure your AI systems now.

Join our Adversarial Defense Community and get ahead of the curve!

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